Female Teams
Female team contacts
Click on the age group below to view individual teams and contacts.
Girls & Women's Teams
Team: Bedford Girls Blacks
Manager: Tom Hole
Contact: holey6@icloud.com / 07835 719309
Team: Bedford Girls Blacks
Manager: Josh Nicklin
Contact: josh.nicklin@live.co.uk / 07846 331686
Team: Caddington Youth
Manager: Cathryn Egan
Contact: cathryn.egan@gmail.com / 07394 406612
Team: Kempston Rovers Girls & Ladies
Manager: Alice Fuller
Contact: alicef429@hotmail.com / 07592 903842
Team: Luton Celtic Youth
Manager: James Newman
Contact: jnewmanspurs@gmail.com / 07599 471746
Team: Luton Town Ladies
Manager: Nikki Baker
Contact: nikkibaker87@hotmail.com / 07775 332812
Team: Woburn & Wavendon (Lionesses)
Manager: TBC
Contact: TBC
Team: Bedford Girls
Manager: Nigel Mitchell
Contact: nigel@bedfordladies-girlsfc.org / 07522 347997
Team: Kempston Rovers Girls & Ladies
Manager: Claudio Jordan
Contact: claudio44@hotmail.co.uk / 07843 836835
Team: Luton Town Ladies Oranges
Manager: Paul Dockerill
Contact: paul@adventuresinto.co.uk / 07756 613854
Team: Luton Town Ladies Whites
Manager: Jack Calow
Contact: calowjack@hotmail.com / 07468 575691
Team: Luton Town Ladies Blues
Manager: Raheel Khan
Contact: raheelkhan2121@outlook.com / 07756 133627
Team: Sandy Tigers
Manager: Joe Lawrence
Contact: poshjoe@hotmail.com / 07597 196857
Team: Woburn & Wavendon (Lionesses) Clarets
Manager: Tim Apps
Contact: tim_apps@hotmail.com / 07565 329431
Team: Woburn & Wavendon (Lionesses) Blue
Manager: Joe Turner
Contact: jtmlp@live.co.uk / 07368 505639
Team: Bedford Girls Blacks
Manager: Charlie Wroblewski
Contact: charlie.wroblewski1995@gmail.com / 07404 892380
Team: Bedford Girls Blues
Manager: Zara Carroll
Contact: zara@bedfordladies-girlsfc.org / 07397 387893
Team: Bromham Youth AFC
Manager: Jody Woodfield
Contact: jodywoodfield@gmail.com / 07979 817598
Team: Leighton United Vixens
Manager Robin Falk
Contact: robin@dcsint.co.uk / 07506 178180
Team: Luton Celtic Youth
Manager: Marcus Ansell
Contact: marcusansell@hotmail.com / 07568 310117
Team: Luton Celtic Youth Maestros
Manager: Stephen Quirke
Contact: stephen.quirke@live.co.uk / 07860 146196
Team: Luton Town Ladies
Manager: Alex Dragio
Contact: 13adragoi@gmail.com / 07455 660868
Manager: Tim Mills
Contact: t.mills150@btinternet.com
Team: Stotfold Junior Lilacs
Manager: Neil Ashley
Contact: Neilashley@hotmail.co.uk / 077345 39154
Manager: TBC
Contact: TBC
Team: Woburn & Wavendon (Lionesses) Blues
Manager: Tony Moore
Contact: tony.moore10@icloud.com / 07852 983023
Team: AFC Dunstable
Manager: Duncan Sands
Contact: duncan,.sands@henkel.com / 07702 75979
Team: Bedford Girls Blacks
Manager: Philip Goodyear
Contact: pcgoodyear@gmail.com / 07886 504266
Team: Bedford Girls Blue Jays
Manager: Alex Shore
Contact: shore.alex08@gmail.com / 07999 315964
Team: Flitwick Eagles Whites
Manager: Mark Apicella
Contact: 1markapicella@gmail.com / 07795 505840
Team: Flitwick Eagles Blues
Manager: Stephen Beard
Contact: Stevebeard746@gmail.com / 07874 669890
Team: Luton Town Ladies
Manager: Mark Wareham
Contact: marksurveying@live.co.uk / 07875 154918
Manager Nick Forster
Contact: nickforster81@btinternet.com / 07875 022922
Team: Stotfold Junior Lilacs
Manager: Jason Jafari
Contact: jason.jafari@hotmail.com / 07824 358080
Team: Stotfold Junior Turquoise
Manager: Robert Anscombe
Contact: Robert@outsidetheboxmarketing.co.uk / 07801 888171
Manager Stuart Whiting
Contact: stuart.whiting@sky.com / 07720 513640
Team: AFC Dunstable
Manager: Matthew O'Brien
Contact: mob_83@hotmail.co.uk / 07884 485430
Team: Bedford Girls Blues
Manager Martin Trinder
Contact: martin@bedfordladies-girlsfc.org / 07759 794667
Team: Bromham Youth AFC
Manager: Steve Gallagher
Contact: steviegallagher@gmail.com / 07958 936926
Team: Flitwick Eagles Whites
Manager: Robert Purcell
Contact: the1nfamous@yahoo.co.uk / 07977 3453009
Team: Flitwick Eagles Blues
Manager: Paul Stewart
Contact: paulstewart07@hotmail.com / 07905 337768
Team: Kempston Rovers Girls & Ladies
Manager: Neil Wilson
Contact: nwilson8989@googlemail.com / 07885 432261
Team: Leighton United Vixens Greens
Manager: Sean Synnott
Contact: synnott1984@gmail.com / 07508 128136
Team: Leighton United Vixens Reds
Manager: Austin Jones
Contact: oztin.jones@gmail.com / 07403 353480
Team: Luton Celtic Youth
Manager: Gaey Rogers
Contact: garyrogers11@hotmail.co.uk / 07535 126238
Team: Luton Town Ladies
Manager: Reece Durn
Contact: reecedurn1107@gmail.com / 07985 603492
Manager: Andrew Porter
Contact: South.view@live.co.uk / 07720 704540
Team: Wixams Wanderers Lionesses
Manager: Craig Barrington
Contact: craig.barrington83@hotmail.com / 07932 415674
Team: Wixams Wanderers Girls United
Manager: Andrew Smith
Contact: andy220882@icloud.com
Team: Woburn & Wavendon (Lionesses) Clarets
Manager: James Newens
Contact: jamesnewens@hotmail.co.uk / 07805 341966
Team: Woburn & Wavendon (Lionesses) Blues
Manager: Sharmesh Mistry
Contact: sharmeshm@gmail.com / 07813 799865
Team: Wootton Rangers Youth
Manager: Craig Watt
Contact: craigwatt@btopenworld.com / 07901 511138
Team: AFC Dunstable
Manager: Sally Collins
Contact: sally@roofmaster.co.uk / 07711 377326
Bedford Girls Bluebirds
Manager: Hicham Ben
Contact: hichamben1500@gmail.com / 07723 114729
Team: Bedford Girls Kingfishers
Manager: Shelbee Clarke
Contact: shelbee@bedfordladies-girlsfc.org / 07866 917470
Team: Biggleswade United
Manager: Craig Hulbert
Contact: hulberino@gmail.com / 07872 543284
Team: Caddington Youth
Manager: Jason Rook
Contact: jasonrook537@yahoo.co.uk / 07484 310784
Team: Flitwick Eagles
Manager: Matthew Large
Contact: Mattlarge273@gmail.com / 07398 103128
Team: Leighton United Vixens
Manager: Geoff Bishop
Contact: geoff.bishop@gmx.co.uk / 07776 186896
Team: Luton Town Ladies
Manager: Amber Cootes
Contact: ambercootes@gmail.com / 07423 277344
Team: Stopsley United Youth Pink Sox
Manager: Robert Smith
Contact: rachel.lane4@ntlworld.com / robert@whitehill-tools.com / 07941 453837
Team: Stotfold Junior Lilacs
Manager: Matty Heneghan
Contact: matty.stotfoldjuniors@gmail.com / 07528 859032
Team: Stotfold Junior Turquoise
Manager: James Gurney
Contact: gurney19@hotmail.com / 07891 538987
Team: Toddington Rovers Lionesses
Manager: Adrian Cole
Contact: adrian.cole4@ntlworld.com / 07738 096574
Team: Woburn & Wavendon (Lionesses)
Manager: Darren White
Contact: dwhitey85@aol.co.uk / 07887 246500
Team: Bedford Girls
Manager: Nina Regolo
Contact: nina@bedfordladies-girlsfc.org / 07794 634904
Team: Caddington Youth Kites
Manager: James Siddons
Contact: james.siddons@outlook.com / 07738 632172
Team: Dunstable Town Youth
Manager: Trevor Saunders
Contact: trevorsilky1@aol.com / 07881 273156
Team: Flitwick Eagles
Contact: Washydave1972@outlook.com / 07850 274706
Team: Kempston Rovers Girls & Ladies
Manager: Ann-Marie White
Contact: a-mw@hotmail.co.uk / 07494 735345
Team: Leighton Corinthian Juniors
Manager: Paul Lewis
Contact: paul.j.lewis@open.ac.uk / 07811 377853
Team: Leighton Woodside
Manager: Andy MacKenzie
Contact: andymac65@hotmail.com / 07515 279411
Team: Leighton United Vixens
Manager: Curtis Cutler
Contact: curtiscutler00@gmail.com / 07495 834167
Team: Luton Town Ladies
Manager: Hayden Bailey
Contact: hayden.bailey@hotmail.co.uk / 07584 625656
Team: M&DH Clapham Sports
Manager: Scott Dora
Contact: scott.dora93@outlook.com / 07769 205572
Team: Wixams Wanderers Wildcats
Manager: Michael Taylor
Contact: michaelljtaylor@googlemail.com / 07976 841877
Team: Woburn & Wavendon (Lionesses) Clarets
Manager: Wes Williams
Contact: wesleythomaswilliams@hotmail.com / 07931 641587
Team: Woburn & Wavendon (Lionesses) Blues
Manager: Jay Makwana
Contact: jmakwana@me.com / 07808 767961
Team: Wootton Rangers Youth
Manager: Matt Grabham
Contact: mattgrabham@me.com / 07725 303279
Team: Barton Rovers Youth Blues
Manager: Paul Rolfe
Contact: rolfep@icloud.com / 07834 447344
Team: Bedford Girls
Manager: Kathryn Martin-Harris
Contact: kathryn@bedfordladies-girlsfc.org / 07412 014064
Contact: tone.anane@gmail.com / 07964 206376
Team: Caddington Youth Kites
Manager: Stuart Carmichael
Contact: stuart.carmichael1980@gmail.com / 07711 767178
Team: Dunstable Town Youth
Manager: Adrian Dunne
Contact: adiejdunne@yahoo.co.uk / 07758 688690
Manager: Steve Close
Contact: closesj@gmail.com / 07736 741795
Team: Leighton United Vixens
Manager: Brian Edwards
Contact: brian_edwards21@btinternet.com / 07789 866680
Team: Luton Celtic Youth Clovers
Manager: Caprese Green
Contact: caprese.a@hotmail.co.uk / 07399 524348
Team: Luton Celtic Youth Thistles
Manager: Scott Berry
Contact: scottberry_4@icloud.com / 07581 270125
Manager: Leyah Maddix
Contact: lmaddix3@hotmail.co.uk / 07729 187977
Manager: Warren Sparrow
Contact: wsparrow@nevillespecialprojects.co.uk / 07793 626358
Team: Shefford Saints Whites
Manager: Paul Richmond
Contact: lprichmond20@aol.com / 07714 614722
Team: Stotfold Junior Lilacs
Manager: Chris Murray
Contact: chris.stotfoldjfc@gmail.com / 07747 837683
Team: Wixams Wanderers Diamonds
Manager: Stuart Falconer
Contact: stuartjfalconer@gmail.com / 07799 133337
Team: Woburn & Wavendon (Lionesses)
Manager: Danny Hayter
Contact: dannyhayter63@sky.com / 07572 549738
Team: Bedford Girls Blues
Manager: Rebecca Fhalora
Contact: bex@bedfordladies-girlsfc.org / 07802 816586
Team: Bedford Girls Panthers
Manager: John Frost
Contact: john@bedfordladies-girlsfc.org / 07878 553533
Team: E.B. Lions
Manager: TBC
Contact: TBC
Team: Flitwick Eagles
Manager: Geoff Springall
Contact: geoff4355@sky.com / 07503 881077
Team: Leighton United Vixens
Manager: Georgia Carey
Contact: georgiacarey98@gmail.com / 07809 622535
Team: Luton Town Ladies
Manager: Kimberley Newns
Contact: kimmy.newns987@gmail.com / 07794 408075
Team: Stotfold Junior Lilacs
Manager: Fuzz Rahman
Contact: fuzzrahman@btinternet.com / 07775 910778
Team: Woburn & Wavendon (Lionesses)
Manager: Brian Ellis
Contact: topblimp@icloud.com / 07538 324116
Team: Ampthill Town
Manager: Paul Moore
Contact: paulvmoore@gmail.com / 07939 568803
Team: Flitwick Eagles
Manager: Ian Noble
Contact: flitwickeaglesgirls@outlook.com / 07827 938192
Team: Kempston Rovers Girls & Ladies
Manager: Richard Garnham
Contact: richard.garnham@bpha.org.uk / 07939 098234
Team: Luton Town Ladies
Manager: Paul Matthews
Contact: paulmatthews234@btinternet.com / 07946 588022
Team: Sandy Tigers (U17)
Manager: Scott Elliott
Contact: scottelliott6@outlook.com / 07915 441454
Team: Toddington Rovers (U17) Wolves
Manager: Daniel Lawrence
Contact: d.lawrence501@gmail.com / 07967 670068
Team: Woburn & Wavendon (Lionesses) Blues
Manager: Dean Martin
Contact: deanmartinwwl@gmail.com / 07718 517002
Team: Woburn & Wavendon (Lionesses) Clarets
Manager: Graeme Williams
Contact: graemewilliams1614@btinternet.com / 07889 280774
Team: AFC Dunstable Women
Manager: Jay Bazzone
Contact: jay.bazzone1@gmail.com / 07703 414287
Team: Bedford Ladies FC
Manager: Simon Henry
Contact: simonhenry14@hotmail.co.uk / 07450 431164
Team: Bedford Ladies FC Development
Secretary: Jennifer Yildiz
Contact: jennifer.yildiz@btinternet.com / 07818 068746
Team: Biggleswade United Ladies Blues FC
Manager: Simon Brown
Contact: simonbrown116@yahoo.co.uk / 07814 430792
Team: Biggleswade United Ladies Reds FC
Manager: Luke Molloy
Contact: luke.molloy@sky.com / 07533 639653
Team: E.B. Lions AFC Ladies
Manager: Adrian Bush
Contact: adrian.bush3@btinternet.com / 07814 011280
Team: Flitwick Eagles Ladies FC Blues
Manager: Melvyn Gazeley
Contact: mrgazeley@btinternet.com / 07787 503371
Manager: Mark Bierton
Contact: markbierton3@hotmail.com
Team: Langford Ladies FC
Manager: Paul Vince
Contact: paulvinny4@gmail.com / 07845 901906
Team: Luton Town Ladies FC
Manager: Robert Burton
Contact: rburtonbuilders@yahoo.co.uk./ 07961 451542
Team: Luton Town Ladies FC Reserves
Manager: Angelika Kopec-Knurek
Contact: angelikakopecknurek@gmail.com / 07875 705691
Team: Stotfold FC
Manager: Thomas Olney
Contact: tom_olney@yahoo.co.uk / 07929 347908
Team: Stotfold Junior Ladies FC
Manager: Matt Konopka
Contact: mattkonopka@hotmail.co.uk / 07595 357869
Team: Wootton Blue Cross Lionesses Women FC
Manager: Jeremy Hall
Contact: jez29my@gmail.com / 07446 770193
Any girls 5-11 years old can get involved in the SSE Wildcats programme
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